
This Weekend

I Don't know is it me or is it the world but this weekend sucks i mean seriously time slows up and everything plus everybody is just dead on sundays.Dead Serious.This Weekend Totally Sucked For Me seriously nothing to do didn't go no where everybody i know something was wrong with them im sayin' as in their problems or stuff like that but You know they was just chillin' waiting for something to happen.This Might Be the only day where i watched tv and actually stood their and paid attention to what i was watching.For Me I usally just channel surf and i know their thousands of channel surfers out their.So as we continue our our jorney we hit a black hole today As in we hit dead space(clearly nothing) Oh If your wondering why calvin and hobbes look at some of the faces and guess which one I had. Lol . aight peace. - Question KiD

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